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Ring-tailed lemur in the indoor enclosure.

New arrival joins our long-tailed goral herd

Animal news | 7 August 2021

New arrival joins our long-tailed goral herd.

Grey long-tailed gorals have been part of the Dresden Zoo family for over 20 years. Our zoo, along with Warsaw Zoo and the Tierpark Berlin, is a co-founder of the European breeding population. However, there hasn’t been any major success in recent years. Things haven’t gone quite as usual at our zoo either, breeding-wise. We are all the more delighted, then, at the arrival of our new goral kid this year. The little female, born on 30 June, is the first long-tailed goral to be bred successfully in seven years. She spent the first few days of her life resting quietly in the outdoor enclosure, away from curious eyes. She has now begun to explore every corner of her new home, and is also clearly visible to visitors.

The grey long-tailed goral can be seen in a total of 13 zoos across Europe. It is an Asian species of ungulate and feeds mainly on herbs, leaves, grass and buds. Females live in herds, while males are ‘loners’ that only join the herd during mating season. Long-tailed gorals are classed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.

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