The orangutans have offspring
Animal news | 4 March 2025

Visitors to the orangutan house may have caught a glimpse of a tiny new arrival in the large enclosure last Sunday: female orangutan Daisy has given birth to her fourth baby without incident, probably in the early hours of 2 March, continuing Dresden Zoo’s long tradition of breeding great apes.
Daisy is an experienced mum and takes things in her stride. The as yet unnamed baby girl is feeding and sleeping, and according to the keepers, seemingly in good general health. Supported by mum Daisy, she clings tightly to her mother’s fur, meaning that Daisy has already been able to clamber around the enclosure a few times. To give mother and child the chance to bond properly, father Toni has been kept separate from them for the time being, in the adjacent enclosure. Like the two older females Djudi and Djaka, Toni is very interested in the new addition to the family and keeps peeking at mother and daughter through the fence.
The orangutan house remains open to visitors, so, with a bit of luck, you might be able to spot the youngster. Daisy understandably retreats to quieter corners of her enclosure and hides in cardboard boxes or nests she makes for herself out of wood wool. As mum and baby have not yet established a daily routine, the chances of observing them in action are rather slim.