Vicuña offspring in the South American enclosure
Animal news | 13 December 2024
A week ago, female vicuña Amber gave birth to a healthy cria (baby vicuña). However, the birth was not without complications, which is why our vet had to assist with the birth.
There were difficulties during the birth due to incorrect positioning of the front legs. Normally, cria are born with their front legs stretched out in front. However, the cria was stuck, as the head came out first and the front legs remained bent and stuck in the birth canal. In this position, the cria could already breathe and was therefore supplied with oxygen.
Thankfully, as the birth took place during the day, we were able to observe and ultimately support the process. Our vet and team of animal keepers assisted with the birth in the stable by gently calming and holding the mother while the cria’s front legs were repositioned. This brought the birth to a successful conclusion.
It was the first birth for five-year-old Amber, which fortunately ended well after the initial problems. The female cria is fit and the mother-child bond has been established. The cria was christened Gesa by our keepers.
After three days of rest and familiarisation in the stable, Gesa has now also got to know the other herd members with her father Diego and two other females, Allegra and Bonita, and is out and about in the South American enclosure every day.
The vicuñas don’t mind the cold temperatures, as their fur has an excellent thermal insulation layer, making it perfectly adapted to their natural habitat in the high Andes of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.